Apologetics Conference 2018

The Bible Encounter:

New Evidence for the Original Text from Genesis to Revelation

Saturday, October 13, 2018 – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Tri-City Covenant Church

150 W High St, Somersworth, NH 03878


Guest Speaker, Prof. Jack M Cascione


Tri-City Covenant Church is proud to host this presentation by Prof. Jack Cascione, the culmination of 40 years of study, noting and proving a unique pattern or style that is traced throughout the sacred text and is repeated both in individual portions of Scriptures, but also in the Scriptures as a whole.

This is a groundbreaking conference on new research authenticating the original text of the Bible. Professor Jack Cascione is the author of Repetition in the Bible, In Search of the Biblical Order and Power Point presentations. The Bible will be examined as a divine literary artifact.

The seminar will focus on the presence, significance, and meaning of newly observed literary forms in the Bible accessible to anyone with a laptop computer. This research does not uncover hidden meaning or prophecy, but previously unobserved order in the original text from Genesis to Revelation.

The Bible Encounter will examine unexplored subjects and provide answers to questions we didn’t think we could ask. Participants will be introduced to a vast textual array of evidence presenting the shape of divine communication, order, and revelation.

The Bible Encounter will encourage the faithful, inform the inquisitive, and challenge the skeptic with Divine creativity that rivals molecular structure and DNA in the natural world.

The seminar will give new evidence and answer questions such as:

1. The Dead Sea Scrolls Versus the Masoretic Text?

2. Who wrote the Bible?

3. How is the Biblical text different from any other book?

4. Do we have the original text of the Bible?

5. Can we authenticate ages of the Genesis patriarchs, the long ending of Mark,

the authorship of Genesis and Revelation, the unity of Scripture, and more?


Conference Schedule


8:30 – 9:00 – Coffee and Light Refreshments

9:00 a.m. Session 1: An Introduction to Order in Revelation and Daniel

Revelation and Daniel serve as prophetic bookends for the biblical order in the Old and New Testaments. Participants will be introduced to the biblical order and its function throughout the Bible. They will gain practical information on how to locate and interpret the data for themselves.

10:00 a.m. Session 2: Comparison of Revelation and Genesis, with the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Masoretic Text

Moses, the pre-eminent author surpassing ancient Egyptians and Shakespeare, sets the literary standard for the biblical order in the entire Bible. Hebraic meter will be presented as incontrovertible evidence that we possess the original writings of Moses in opposition to JEPD and the Documentary Hypotheses. Evidence will demonstrate the superiority of the Masoretic Text on which all Bibles are based versus the Dead Sea Scrolls. There will be an examination the biblical order in the Pentateuch and how Moses displays literary images of God from Egypt to Mt. Sinai.

11:00 a.m. Session 3: Evidence for the Original Texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

Each Gospel writer follows the same unique literary style found in Genesis to Revelation.

Matthew takes the most traditional approach, a virtual Hebrew prophet writing in Greek. Matthew presents Jesus Christ with the literary intricacy and grandeur established by Moses.

Mark, the shortest Gospel, has its own abbreviated manner of applying the biblical order to the text. Examination of Hebraic Meter and variant readings establish that we possess the original text.

Luke, with the largest vocabulary, presents the most far ranging application of Hebraic Meter in the Gospels. His complex application of Hebraic Meter displays literary forms as erudite as his vocabulary.

John contains identical metered forms found in Revelation leaving no question that he is the author of both books, and the master of divine hidden order. Christ’s high priestly prayer in chapters 14-17 presents a unique vision of heaven as found in Moses.

11:50 a.m. – Lunch Provided with Free Will Offering

1:30 p.m. Session 4: Harmony of Hebraic Meter Across All Four Gospels.

The culmination of the conference is a comparison of Hebraic Meter found in all four Gospels. Participants will view the independent, yet coordinated authorship of the four Gospels, employing the same literary forms regardless of stylistic differences. This is the paradox of the Bible’s two natures, Divine order in human words.

2:30 p.m. Session 5: Proof for Inclusion of Mark’s Long Ending: A Paradigm for New Testament Text Verification.

Participants will be presented a step by step methodology for applying the biblical order to verify and authenticate any text in the New Testament. This methodology is applicable to any text in which Hebraic Meter can be identified, of which there is an abundance in Mark 16:9-20.

Please register early for complimentary seating to be sure you have a place. If you have any question or need any further assistance, please call/contact:

James Pinard

